Global Data Geeks is committed to increasing diversity among the graph community. We are fortunate to have hosted talks by the following women. As we gear up for Graph Month in April 2021, one of our goals is to noticeably move the needle. We will be announcing the call for submissions shortly and encourage you to participate. To keep up with the latest news, follow us at @GraphDay.
Notable Women in the Graph Community
Amy Hodler (Kettle Falls, WA) @amyhodler

Amy Hodler, co-author of Graph Algorithms: Practical Examples in Apache Spark and Neo4j, is currently Director for Graph Analytics and AI Programs at Neo4j. Amy has spoken at both Graph Day and the Global Graph Summit. You can find a substantial archive of her talks on YouTube - there is a lot of excellent and insightful stuff there. Also check out her appearance on the most recent Future of Graph Panel at the Global Graph Summit.
Amy will be appearing on an upcoming episode of The Graph Show.
Dr. Denise Gosnell (Charleston, SC) @denisekgosnell

Dr. Denise Gosnell, co-author of The Practitioner's Guide to Graph Databases, first spoke at Graph Day back in 2016. As a frequently requested speaker, she appeared many times since. Check out her 2017 talk: Graphs vs Tables: Ready? Fight! and her 2018 talk: Everything is not a Graph Problem
Look for an upcoming interview with Dr. Gosnell on The Graph Show.
Lynn Pausic (Austin, TX) @lynnpausic

Lynn Pausic first spoke at Graph Day SF 2017, and has also spoken multiple times at the Global Graph Summit. As co-principle and Design Practice Lead at Expero, Lynn is equally comfortable in the worlds of UX and Graph. Lynn’s extensive background in user experience ranges from designing user interfaces for wearable devices, to creating enterprise software solutions and mobile UIs, to innovating scenarios beyond the 2D screen.
Dr. Petra Selmer (London, UK) @aethelraed

Petra Selmer currently works as Engineer and Member of the Query Languages Standards and Research Group and Engineer at Neo4j. Petra came all the way from London to present at the 2019 Global Graph Summit. Check out her work and publications at: GitHub, dblp, and ResearchGate.
Dr. Ying Ding (Austin, TX)